ST2187 Business analytics, applied modelling and prediction
Hi all! Here will be published the information about Business analytics, applied modeling and prediction course
The book will be edited here on
Grade Formula
BU==Business Unit of course Max=100
UoL==UoL Unit Max=100
BCWE==Business Course Work and Exam Max=100
BCFW== Business Course Final Work Max=100
BMU==Business Monthly Unit Max=100
TCW==Tableau Course Work To be estimated by UoL
Total score = 0.7*BU + 0.3*UoL
BU=BU1*0.5 + BU2*0.5
BU1=BCWE*0.4 + (BMU1+BMU2+BM3)*0.2
BU2=BCFW2*0.7 + (BMU4+BMU5+BMU6)*0.1
For each BMUn all weekly homeworks should be positive.
For each homework student has the first attempt and if the result is not positive he should use the second one with new requirements.
Due Dates:
Reporting | Due Date | Comments |
BMU1 | Oct 3 | Ready for execution |
BMU2 | Nov 25 23:59 | Ready for execution |
BMU3 | Dec 5 + Dec 12 | Ready for execution |
BMU4 | Feb 6 | |
BMU5 | Feb 23 | |
TCW | Mar 1 | |
BMU6 | Apr 3 | |
BCWE | Dec 28 | |
BCFW | June 25 |
All BMU and BCW shoul be prepared and presented by pairs of students
Best 3 BMU grants +5 to BU1 and BU2 Best 3 BCW grants +10 to BU1 and BU2
Home work schedule
BHW - Home works for Business Unit
UoL - Home works for UoL
Week | Link | BHW | UoL | Due Date |
Week 1 | | + | Sept 21 | |
Week 2 | | + | Sept 25 | | | + | Sept 25 | ||
Week 3 | BMU1 | + | Oct 3 | |
Week 4 | | + | Oct 10 | |
Week 5 | | + | Oct 26 | |
Week 6 | | + | Nov 2 | |
Week 7 | | + | Nov 13 | |
Week 8 | BMU2 | + | Nov 16 | |
Week 9 | + | Nov 30 | ||
Week 10 | BMU3 | + | + | Dec 5 - Dec12 |
Week 11 | + | Dec 12 | ||
BCWE | + | Dec 26 |
UoL Exam tests
Home work files requirements
All student's files should have names
FIO1 and FIO2 - latin like IvanovII
Cyrillic and special symbols in file names are prohibited.
All Seminar's Videos will be shared here
Course structure
Lecture 2 Introduction to the course, overview, assessment, Monty Hall problem (LSE Block 1)
Seminar 2 ABCD analysis in excel. Histogram in Excel.
Lecture 3 Processes, actions and events. BPMN.
Seminar 3 Tracks arriving schedule analysis and simulation
Seminar 4 Tracks arriving schedule analysis and simulation in BPMN.
Lecture 5 Descriptive statistics, relationships between variables, Tableau (LSE Blocks 2, 3 and 4)
Seminar 5 Bakery Orders Dataset.
Seminar 6 ABCD analysys for bakery in Python.
Lecture 7 Probability, distributions, decision trees (LSE Blocks 5, 6 and 7) 31 Oct 2020
Seminar 7 Tableau data visualisation for Bakery Orders Dataset
Lecture 13 Regression analysis (Blocks 11 and 12) 5 Dec 2020
1. YAML from Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd.
2. YAML Ain’t Markup Language (YAML™) Version 1.2 3rd Edition
3. BPMN 2.0 - Business Process Model and Notation
4.Real-Life BPMN: Using BPMN 2.0 to Analyze, Improve, and Automate Processes in Your Company 1st Edition by Jakob Freund, Bernd Rücker ISBN-13: 978-1480034983