ST2187 Business analytics, applied modelling and prediction
Hi all! Here will be published the information about ST2187 Business analytics, applied modeling and prediction course
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Home work files requirements
All student's files should have names
FIO - latin like IvanovII
Cyrillic and special symbols in file names are prohibited.
Course structure
Lecture 2 Introduction to the course, overview, assessment, Monty Hall problem (LSE Block 1)
Seminar 2 ABCD analysis in excel. Histogram in Excel.
Lecture 3 Events in the time. Poisson point process.
Seminar 3 Tracks arriving schedule analysis and simulation.
Lecture 5 Descriptive statistics, relationships between variables, Tableau (LSE Blocks 2, 3 and 4)
Lecture 7 Probability, distributions, decision trees (LSE Blocks 5, 6 and 7)
1. YAML from Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd.
2. YAML Ain’t Markup Language (YAML™) Version 1.2 3rd Edition