Statistics DSBA 2019/2020
This page contains information about Statistics course at DSBA.
Actual syllabus can be found here.
Teachers and assistants
Group | БПАД181 | БПАД182 | |
Teacher | Peter Lukianchenko | ||
Assistant | Anastasia Tabisheva | Igor Fedorov |
Questions about homework assignments can be addressed to Tagir (tg @Kuskarov).
We use Telegram messenger to share files.
Link to course channel: [1]
Lecture notes
Lecture 1 (4.09.2019). Welcome to Statistics!
Lecture 2 (11.09.2019). Axioms of probability. Basics of combinatorics.
Lecture 3 (18.09.2019). Random variable. Discrete pdf. Expectation and variance. Bernoulli distribution. Bayes rule.
Lecture 4 (25.09.2019). Joint discrete distribution. Conditional probability. Covariance. Correlation.
Lecture 5 (2.10.2019). Continuous distribution. Standard normal distribution. Exponential distribution. Uniform distribution
Lecture 6 (9.10.2019). Normal distribution. Standard normal distribution. Joint distribution. Uniform distribution
Lecture 7 (16.10.2019). Normal distribution. Standard normal distribution. Joint distribution. Uniform distribution.
Lecture 8 (06.11.2019). Data representation. Exponential, Poisson, and Uniform distributions. Continuity correction.
Lecture 9 (13.11.2019). Law of large numbers. Distribution of a function of random variable. Distribution of sample proportion. Chi-squared distribution.
Lecture 10 (18.11.2019). Student distribution. Chi-squared distribution.
Lecture 11 (20.11.2019). Sampling. Sample mean. Fisher lemma. Point estimation. F-distribution.
Lecture 12 (27.11.2019). Interval estimation. Confidence interval.
Lecture 13 (4.12.2019). Confidence interval.
Too lazy to post links anymore... Look here to find other lectures.
Grading system
Fall = 0.3 * FallMock + 0.6 * WinterExam + 0.05 * FallHomework + 0.05 * FallQuizzes
Spring = 0.15 * SpringMock + 0.15 * Final exam + 0.65 * UoL + 0.025 * SpringHomework + 0.025 * SpringQuizes
Final = 0.4 * Fall + 0.6 * Spring
All marks are out of 100 points.
Examination types
- Home assignments and Quizzes
- FallMock (October Midterm)
- WinterExam (December Exam)
- SpringMock (spring)
- University of London exams (May Exam)
- FinalExam (June Exam).
Homeworks and Quizes
Fall grades: Link
Spring grades: Link
Fall Exam
Results of Fall Exam in group 181: Link
Results of Fall Exam in group 182: Link
Free response part solutions are available here.
Spring Midterm
Results: Link
Free response solutions and criteria: Link
Homework assignments
- Homework submitted after the general deadline will not be accepted.
- The common mistakes made in the homework will be discussed during the seminars.
- Any fact of cheating or breach of academic integrity will result in receiving a "0" (zero) for this work.
Homework 2 until 10:30, 25.09.2019
Homework 3 until 10:30, 9.10.2019
Homework 4 until 10:30, 16.10.2019
Homework 5 until 10:30, 13.11.2019
Homework 6 until 12:00, 19.11.2019
Homework 7 until 15:00, 29.11.2019
Homework 8 until 12:00, 13.12.2019
Other HWs can be found in the telegram channel or here.