Statistical learning theory 2024/25
[убрать]General Information
Lectures: on Tuesday 9h30--10h50 in room M302 and in zoom by Bruno Bauwens
Seminars: online in Zoom by Nikita Lukianenko.
Please join the telegram group The course is similar to last year.
Problems exam
Friday 20 December 11h-14h, D507
-- You may use handwritten notes, lecture materials from this wiki (either printed or through your PC), Mohri's book
-- You may not search on the internet or interact with other humans (e.g. by phone, forums, etc)
About questions
-- 4 questions of the difficulty of the homework. (Many homework questions were from former exams.)
-- I always ask to calculate VC dimension and to give/prove some risk bound with Rademacher complexity.
Deadline every 2 weeks, before the lecture. The tasks are at the end of each problem list. (Problem lists will be updated, check the year.)
Before 3rd lecture, submit HW from problem lists 1 and 2. Before 5th lecture, from lists 3 and 4. Etc.
Classroom to submit homeworks. You may submit in English or Russian, as latex or as pictures. Results are here.
Late policy: 1 homework can be submitted at most 24 late without explanations.
Course materials
Video | Summary | Slides | Lecture notes | Problem list | Solutions |
Part 1. Online learning | |||||
21 Sep | Philosophy. The online mistake bound model. The halving and weighted majority algorithms. | sl01 | ch00 ch01 | prob01 | sol01 |
24 Sep | The standard optimal algorithm. The perceptron algorithm. | sl02 | ch02 ch03 | prob02 | sol02 |
01 Oct | Kernel perceptron algorithm. Prediction with expert advice. Recap probability theory (seminar). | sl03 | ch04 ch05 | prob03 | sol03 |
Part 2. Distribution independent risk bounds | |||||
08 Oct | Necessity of a hypothesis class. Sample complexity in the realizable setting, examples: threshold functions and finite classes. | sl04 | ch06 | prob04 update 12.10 | sol04 |
15 Oct | Growth functions, VC-dimension and the characterization of sample comlexity with VC-dimensions | sl05 | ch07 ch08 | prob05 | |
22 Oct | Risk decomposition and the fundamental theorem of statistical learning theory (previous recording covers more) | sl06 | ch09 | prob06 | sol06 |
05 Nov | Bounded differences inequality, Rademacher complexity, symmetrization, contraction lemma. | sl07 | ch10 ch11 | prob07 | sol07 |
Part 3. Margin risk bounds with applications | |||||
12 Nov | Simple regression, support vector machines, margin risk bounds, and neural nets with dropout regularization | sl08 | ch12 ch13 | prob08 | sol08 |
19 Nov | Kernels: RKHS, representer theorem, risk bounds | sl09 | ch14 | prob09 | sol09 |
26 Nov | AdaBoost and the margin hypothesis | sl10 | ch15 | prob10 | sol10 |
03 Dec | Losses of neural nets are not locally convex. Gradient descent with stable gradients. (Old recording about Hessians) | ch16 | prob11 | sol11 | |
10 Dec | Lazy training and the neural tangent kernel. | ch17 | |||
17 Dec | Colloquium 9h30 - 12h30 (room D725) and 18h10 - 21h (different building Старая Басманная А-125). Rules and questions. Reserve in shedule. |
The lectures in October and November are based on the book:
Foundations of machine learning 2nd ed, Mehryar Mohri, Afshin Rostamizadeh, and Ameet Talwalker, 2018.
A gentle introduction to the materials of the first 3 lectures and an overview of probability theory, can be found in chapters 1-6 and 11-12 of the following book: Sanjeev Kulkarni and Gilbert Harman: An Elementary Introduction to Statistical Learning Theory, 2012.
Grading formula
Final grade = 0.35 * [score of homeworks] + 0.35 * [score of colloquium] + 0.3 * [score on the exam] + bonus from quizzes.
All homework questions have the same weight. Each solved extra homework task increases the score of the final exam by 1 point. At the end of the lectures there is a short quiz in which you may earn 0.1 bonus points on the final non-rounded grade.
There is no rounding except for transforming the final grade to the official grade. Arithmetic rounding is used.
Autogrades: if you only need 6/10 on the exam to have the maximal 10/10 for the course, this will be given automatically. This may happen because of extra homework questions and bonuses from quizzes.
Rules and questions from last year.
Date: TBA
Office hours
Bruno Bauwens: Bruno Bauwens: Tuesday 12h -- 20h. Friday 15h -- 17h30. Better send me an email in advance.
Nikita Lukianenko: Write in Telegram, the time is flexible