Machine learning 2 DSBA 2022/2023

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Teachers & assistants

Group 191 192 193
Lecturer Tsvigun A.O. , tg: @aktsvigun

Workshop Instructor Tsvigun A.
tg: @aktsvigun
Sanochkin L.
tg: @lsanochkin
Vazhentsev A.
tg: @artemvazh
Assistant Garshin S.
tg: @SeregaEFD
Matyash D.
tg: @bwdare
Buzilov G.
tg: @GBuzilov

Grading system

The ultimate grade G for the whole course is calculated as: G = 0.25 · module_1 + 0.25 · module_2 + 0.5 · module_3
where module_1 is calculated as 0.4 · КР + 0.3 · ПР + 0.3 · ДЗ, module_2 is calculated as 0.4 · ПР + 0.6 · ДЗ and module_3 is calculated as 0.2 · ПР + 0.3 · ДЗ + 0.5 · ЭКЗ.
Grade G is rounded (up or down) to an integer number of points before entering them into records. Grades for each module are also rounded.


The results table can be found by this link.

Smart LMS Course link

The link for the course may be observed here: source.

GitHub source
