Introduction to Finance 24/25
Lecturer | Fardeau Vincent |
Seminarist | Komarova Yuliya Denisovna |
Syllabus & Grading formula
Interim assessment (2024/2025 2nd module) Estimation formula: Participation: Activity * 0.15 + Final exam: In-class assignment * 0.45 + Home assignments: Homework * 0.15 + October midterm: In-class assignment * 0.25
Rounding rules: Final grade is initially calculated out of 100 points and then converted to the 10-points scale according to the following preliminary scale: 100-point scale 10 (5) point scale 0-9,99 => 1 (fail) 10-14,99 => 2 (fail) 15-24,99 => 3 (fail) 25-29,99 => 4 (satisfactory) 30-39,99 => 5 (satisfactory) 40-49,99=> 6 (good) 50-59,99=> 7 (good) 60-69,99=> 8 (excellent) 70-84,99=> 9 (excellent) 85-100 => 10 (excellent) The conversion scale may be sligtly adjusted by the decision of the lecturer. The scale is finalized after the results in 100-point scale are obtained.
Participation: Activity 0.15
Amount of controls: 30 Period: 1st module 2024/2025, 2nd module 2024/2025, Study period, Offline Grade: 2nd module 2024/2025 Description: Participation includes classwork and quizzes. Classwork tasks include elements of soft skills development such as teamwork, communication abilities, and management skills. Classwork includes participation in discussions, problem-solving (individually and in groups), group presentation on several topics. Criteria for evaluation: All activity in class is assessed in the participation part of the classwork grade. Classwork accounts for 10%, quizzes for 5%.
Final exam: In-class assignment 0.45
Period: 2nd module 2024/2025, Session, Offline Grade: 2nd module 2024/2025 Blocks everything Description: In order to get a passing grade for the course, the student must sit (all parts) of the examination. Retake an exam: Possible Retake principles: Retakes are organized in accordance with the HSE Interim and Ongoing Assessment Regulations (incl. Annex 8 for ICEF). Criteria for evaluation: The assessment of the exam paper is based on the marking scheme that comes with the exam assignment. Each problem and their sub parts are worth a certain number of points, the sum of these points is equal to 100, which is the maximum grade for the exam on the 100 point scale. The student is awarded the assigned number of points for the correct answer to each part of the question and partial credit may also be awarded.
Home assignments: Homework 0.15
Amount of controls: 15 Period: 1st module 2024/2025, 2nd module 2024/2025, Study period, Offline Grade: 2nd module 2024/2025 Criteria for evaluation: The grade for the assignment is equal to the sum of the grades for the problems included in the assignment.
October midterm: In-class assignment 0.25
Period: 2nd module 2024/2025, Study period, Offline Grade: 2nd module 2024/2025 Criteria for evaluation: The assessment of the exam paper is based on the marking scheme that comes with the exam assignment. Each problem and their sub parts are worth a certain number of points, the sum of these points is equal to 100, which is the maximum grade for the exam on the 100 point scale. The student is awarded the assigned number of points for the correct answer to each part of the question and partial credit may also be awarded.
Course materials
Information about the course will be published in TG channel.
Materials on SmartLMS
The results table with all your grades can be found here.