Differential Equations 2020
or see this version of the syllabus
“Differential Equations” is a spring semester course for second-year students studying at the Faculty of Computer Sciences. It is designed to suit the requirements of the Faculty of Computer Sciences curriculum as well as UoL where DE is a part of the mathematical curriculum. Besides the course on differential equations is included as a topic in “Mathematical methods for economists” external exam.
This course is an important part of the bachelor stage in the education of the future applied mathematicians and computer scientists. It has to give students skills for the implementation of mathematical knowledge and expertise. Its prerequisite is the knowledge of the single variable calculus.
In the spring semester, the course is split into two unequal parts: it is taught from January through the end of April and after the students finish with their UoL exams in May it will resume and will continue till mid-June.
The assessment of the students will be done by setting mock exam by the end of the 3rd module, then later by the University of London (UoL) examinations in May and final exam will be set in late June. But the final grade will depend solely on mock, final exams performance and home assignments grades.
As a general policy, personal computing devices such as laptops, calculators etc. are not supposed to be used in the course. They are absolutely prohibited in all exams. Students are expected to do all necessary arithmetic computations by hand.
Lecturers and Teachers
Lecturer | K.A. Bukin kbukin@hse.ru |
Assistants | Alyona Kim adkim@edu.hse.ru Marat Saidov |
Teacher | E. Kochegarova |
Lecture 06.04.2020. Linear difference equations with the variable coefficients. [Materials]
Lecture 13.04.2020. Linear difference equations with the constant coefficients (stationary equations). [Materials]
Lecture 27.04.2020. Stability of equilibria. [Materials] [Recording] Password: 5w^kmh?q
Lecture 18.05.2020. [Recording] Password: 8H@!03R7
Lecture 26.05.2020 [Recording] Password: 2y@m^M07
Consultation 26.05.2020. [Recording] Password: 8Y&v59Ds
Lecture 01.06.2020. [Recording] Password: 6n.Te?=v
Lecture 08.06.2020. [Recording] Password: 1X+n@mKJ
Seminar 22.04.2020. [Recording]. Password: 4n!R$7$J
Seminar 29.04.2020. [Recording]. Password: 0R%$68r%
Seminar 08.05.2020. [Recording]. Password: 6x#VS&3C
Seminar 13.05.2020. [Recording]. Password: 5Y.=$^.+
Seminar 27.05.2020. [Recording]. Password: 7D.@5@9k
Seminar 03.06.2020. [Recording] Password: 0r%Wg427
Seminar 09.06.2020. [Recording] Password: 4c+n?K45
Midterm test
Date: 23.03.2020
Materials: Demo version
Solutions: Link to Drive
Duration: 80 minutes
UoL Materials
Materials: [Materials]
Tasks for preparation: [Tasks]
Exam demo version: [Demo version]
Exam assessment rules: [Assessment rules]
Home assignments
Home assignment 1, due on January 27th
Home assignment 2, due on February 10th
Home assignment 3, due on February 21st
Home assignment 4, due on March 9th
Home assignment 5, due on March 24th
Home assignment 6, due on April 22th
Home assignment 7, due on May 13th
Bonus Home assignment, due on May 20th. Brief solutions: Link.
Home assignment 8, due on June 3rd
Grading System
The home assignments constitute 30% of the final grade. The final exam is 70% of the final grade.
The final grade on the course will be determined according to the formula:
G(rade) = 0.7 * Final Exam + 0.3 * Home assignments
All grades are given initially out of 100. The final grades are also transferred to 10- and 5-points grades in accordance with the ICEF Grading Regulations (par.3).
Retakes are organized in accordance with the HSE Interim and Ongoing Assessment Regulations (incl. Annex 8 for ICEF). Grade determination after retakes is done in accordance with ICEF Grading Regulations (par. 5).
- Mathematics for economists, Simon C. P., Blume L., 1994
- A.F. Fillipov. Collection of problems on differential equations. Moscow, “Nauka”, 1973 and later editions.
- V.K. Romanko, Course on Differential Equations and Calculus of Variations. Moscow and Saint-Petersburg, “Fizmatlit”, 2001 and later editions.
Internet Resources
University of London Exam papers and Examiners reports for the last three years.