Calculus DSBA2019/2020

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This page contains of all useful link and materials for the course Calculus I in 2019/2020 year at Bachelor’s Programme 'HSE and University of London Double Degree Programme in Data Science and Business Analytics'. All files below are designed and updated during the academic year. In case of any misprints, please, notify us by e-mail.

1st semester

Lecturers and teaching assistants

Group 191(M+P+) 193 192
Lecturer Alexander B. Shapoval
Teachers Olga E. Orel Peter P. Lukianchenko
Assistant Anna Matveeva Nikolay Ryabov

Office hours

Teacher/assistant mon tue wed thd fri
Alexander B. Shapoval 16:40 - 18:00
Olga E. Orel
Peter P. Lukianchenko
Anna Matveeva
Nikolay Ryabov


Current results can be found at the conduit. Attention: the file is updated

Lecture notes and seminars

The course materials are placed here [1].

Grading system

The academic year is divided into 4 modules. At the end of the second and fourth modules the students pass a written exam (E). During the year students must also complete weekly home assignments. Professors can ask students to present their written solutions orally. Quizzes are held regularly in classes. Solving specific problems marked by the lecturer or class teachers, students may receive bonus points which influence the final term grade. This influence is expected not to exceed 10% of the grade. Here is the rule that defines the grade of the each term. We compute the quantity Q1 = roundoff (min (0.4*RA + 0.6*E+B, 10))

at the end of the first term and

Q2 = roundoff (min (0.4*RA + 0.6*E+B, 10))

at the end of the second term,

where RA is the grade for the regular activity, E is the exam grade, and B is the total bonus. Regular activity grade (RA) consists of grades for tests passed at class and weekly home assignments. Problems solved in class are 3-10 times more valuable than problems solved at home. The grade of each problem is announced by the teacher before this problem is given to students. The standard mathematical rule is applied for the round off: if the fractional part of the grade lies within the interval [0, 0.5), then the grade is rounded off downward (to the greatest integer less than or equal to the grade), if the fractional part of the grade lies within the interval [0.5, 1), then the grade is rounded off upward. We insist that the round off is applied only once when Q is computed. Any intermediate grades are not rounded. The grade Q1 is the result of the first term (fixed on December). The final course grade (FCG) is defined as FCG = 0.4*Q1 + 0.6*Q2.