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How to Keep your Action Figures Safe

It is vital for the collectors to keep action figures safe in order to maintain the originality and look of them and gain high reselling value. In the process of keeping safe storing of the action figure plays a major role as improper storing of the action figures may damage them and contribute to decreasing their value in the market. In the process of storing, you should choose a storage unit or box that is adequate in size to hold the action figure and prevent folding and overloading of the action figures in a box. The presence of humidity inside the box may cause harm to the action figures, and due to this reason, silica gel must be placed inside the box to remove moisture from the box. The action figures should also be kept at room temperature that is 55 to 70-degree Fahrenheit. As storing the cation figures such as naruto party supplies in excess heat cause the thermal oxidation due to this, the plastic gets to react with the polymer and figure become sticky and emit a smell. On the other hand, storing action figures in extremely cold conditions may cause them to become brittle. Therefore, extreme heat and cold both are dangerous for the action figures, and due to this, you should maintain an adequate temperature in the box. The exposure of action figures to direct sunlight may also cause discolouration, and they look ugly. They should be prevented from direct exposure of sunlight for a long time. The action figures that contain batteries should be handled with extra care as the presence of battery may cause corrosion. In addition to this, while travelling or transporting them from one place to another, they should be wrapped in bubble wrap in order to prevent them from external shock. For more info visit here - Funko Action Figures.