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How to use Phyllanthus to treat breast and colon cancer?

Phyllanthus, also known as Phyllanthus, is an herb commonly found throughout the tropics and subtropics, with great potential as a non-toxic treatment for breast cancer.

While their therapeutic properties have been reported, a research team from the University of Malaya recently investigated specifically how botanical extracts of this medicinal plant fight breast cancer.

Phyllanthus is a large family of flowering plants with hundreds of species, including bitter, stonebreaker.

Studies found that extracts from Phyllanthus niruri, Phyllanthus urinaria, Phyllanthus watsonii and Phyllanthus amarus inhibited the growth and spread of breast cancer cells and caused cell death. cells in two ways.

First, they blocked two proteins notorious for disrupting the extracellular matrix: an environment that surrounds cells, providing structural and biochemical support.

Matrix metalloproteins 2 and 9 disrupt this environment, allowing tumor cells access to the vascular system and allowing them to spread. Phyllanthus extract blocks the pathway used by tumors to regulate this process.

The plant also reduces tumor growth by disrupting the cancer's ability to grow blood vessel cells.

Specifically, plants that inhibit the production of a key compound become more abundant during hypoxia and have been implicated in turning on more than 70 genes conducive to tumor growth. This leads to reduced blood vessel growth and leads to cell death.

The team found that Phyllanthus urinaria extract was slightly more effective in targeting cancer cells, perhaps because of the high presence of polyphenol compounds with anti-inflammatory properties. oxidize.

Years of animal studies and human clinical trials will be required before the herb can be used to treat patients.

Ancient Chinese herbs targeted specific tumors:

One study also investigated how another plant extract, called baicalein, successfully shrunk colon tumors in mice.

Anti-cancer agents Baicalein extracted from Scutellaria baicalensis and Scutellaria lateriflora: are flowering herbs, commonly known as skullcap, used in traditional Chinese medicine.

While others have confirmed baicalein's anti-cancer properties, studies have investigated how it specifically targets and shrinks cancers with mismatched DNA repair defects.

When copying DNA, errors can arise in the sequence of nucleotide base pairs that, like typos in sentences, produce mismatched DNA.

Usually, mismatch repair proteins identify a typo, cut it up, and then the correct sequence can be synthesized.

But cells that lack the mismatch repair protein can't do this, so the mismatched DNA base pairs keep replicating. As errors accumulate, tumors can grow unchecked.

Tumor cells that lack the mismatch repair protein are often resistant to commonly used chemotherapy. Baicalein seems to bind specifically to parts of DNA that don't match, causing the DNA to break down during replication, eventually killing the cell.

The researchers implanted baicalein pellets adjacent to colon tumors lacking the mismatch repair protein in mice and found the tumors shrunk to twice the size of similar tumors in mice treated with the drug. placebo.

They also found that mice fed a baicalein-fortified diet formed fewer tumors than the control group.

Baicalein shows strong potential for cancer treatment because it has a clear target. It is particularly promising as a treatment for colon cancer because about 10% of colon tumors lack a mismatch repair protein.

However, it is not nearly ready for clinical applications because of its low potency and possible side effects. Further studies are needed to turn phyllococci extract into an effective treatment for human diseases. Articles quoted from the following sources: https://chietxuatduoclieu.com/chiet-xuat-cao-duoc-lieu