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Исследование операций и теория игр

Курс является курсом по выбору для третьего курса ПАД и ПМИ, читается в 3м и 4м модуле. Читается на английском языке.

This course has two parts. The first part introduces main concepts and models of classic and modern operations research. The operations research combines methods from different fields of mathematics in order to aid decision makers in making optimal decisions. In order to apply operations research methods, one needs to transform an actual problem into an appropriate mathematical model. In order to develop intuition for developing mathematical models all the operations research techniques are widely illustrated by examples from different industries, including agriculture, oil and gas, manufacturing, urban development, and retail. The second part of the course is devoted to game theory is a mathematical language of modern economic and social science. Any time a model involves conflict of interest game theory is needed since it is the study of strategic decision making. Game theory has numerous applications including economic theory, political science, evolutionary biology, computer science, etc. This course covers the non-cooperative and cooperative game theory, bargaining theory, foundations of mechanism design, as well as giving insights into some of its present-day applications. The course presents main ideas and techniques of game-theoretic analysis. The aim is to teach students to use game theoretic approach in modeling of real-life problem and to think strategically. Success with this course gives edge both in deeper understanding of human behavior and in tackling business problems.

Преподаватели курса (лекции и семинары):

Исследование операций (3 модуль): Клемашев Николай Иванович https://www.hse.ru/org/persons/225426454

Теория игр (4 модуль): Сандомирская Марина Сергеевна https://www.hse.ru/staff/sandomirskaia


Программу курса, в том числе формулу оценивания, можно изучить здесь: https://www.hse.ru/edu/courses/339563025

Для участников курса будет создана телеграм-группа для оперативного обмена информацией, ссылка появиться к началу соответствующего модуля.