Theoretical Computer Science 2022

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Wednesdays 18:10–21:00, on zoom

Teacher: Bruno Bauwens

For practical information join the telegram group


Exam: 40%
Homework: 20%
Project: 40%

There are 2 homeworks with deadlines: 23.02, 09.03 before the lecture

Course Materials

The main reference for the first 4 lectures is Sipser's book "Introduction to the theory of computation", chapters 1, 2–7.

Video Summary Notes
19.01 Regular languages: (non)deterministic automata and their equivalence, pumping lemma, closure properties lecture 1
25.01 Turing machines and register machines lecture 2
09.02 undecidability of: Halting program, Wang tiling, Fractran Godel's incompleteness theorems lecture 3.A 3.B
16.02 The classes P, EXP, PSPACE, EXPSPACE. Dynamic programming. Time and space hierarchy theorems. seminar
23.02 Holliday
02.03 The class NP and NP-completeness notes
02.03 Circuits, proof of the Levin-Cook theorem, more reductions circuits reductions
16.03 PSPACE, PSPACE-hardness, EXP, BPP, Polynomial time hierarchy
23.03 Parameterized complexity (1): the class FPT and kernelization
30.03 Parameterized complexity (2): W-hierarchy, graph domination
13.04 Projects
20.04 Exam

Office hours

Person Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Bruno Bauwens, S834, Zoom 14:00-20:00

Warn me in advance by email.