Theoretical Computer Science 2022

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Wednesdays 18:10–21:00, on zoom

Teacher: Bruno Bauwens


Exam: 40%
Homework: 20%
Project: 40%

There are 3 homeworks with deadlines: 16.02, 23.02, 02.03, before the lecture

Course Materials

The main reference for the first 4 lectures is Sipser's book "Introduction to the theory of computation", chapters 1, 2–7.

Video Summary Notes
19.01 Regular languages: (non)deterministic automata and their equivalence, pumping lemma, closure properties lecture 1
25.01 Turing machines and register machines lecture 2.A lecture 2.B (drafts)
09.02 undecidability of: Halting program, Wang tiling, Fractran Godel's incompleteness theorems
16.02 time and space hierarchy theorems classes P and NP,
23.02 NP-completeness
02.03 PSPACE, PSPACE-hardness, EXP, BPP, Polynomial time hierarchy
09.03 Parameterized complexity (1): the class FPT and kernelization
16.03 Parameterized complexity (2): W-hierarchy, graph domination
23.03 Final exam

Office hours

Person Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Bruno Bauwens, S834, Zoom 14:00-20:00

Warn me in advance by email.