ST2187 Seminar 2

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ST2187 Business analytics, applied modelling and prediction

After this seminar you should be able to:

* Understand the main  idea of ABC approach
* Plan the ABC analysis for some dataset
* Have an experience in interpretation of ABC analysis results

Home work for Seminar 2

1. You should connect Python to data from HSE-WMSSIM-ABC-01.xlsx [1], convert it to csv and add the column ABC. After this you should plot number-of-boxes = F(sortedSKU) Python code and result should be in TASK2-ABC-calc with names , ST2187-2020-FIO-Seminar_02-ABC.CSV, and ST2187-2020-FIO-Seminar_02-ABC.png,

Back to the beginning of the course ST2187_Business_analytics,_applied_modelling_and_prediction