Introduction to programming

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Версия от 13:41, 20 декабря 2018; Piatskgeorge (обсуждение | вклад)

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Introduction to programming / Основы и методология программирования 2018-2019 (ПАД)

Course description

Lecturer: Rostislav Yarovski (Telegram)


Name Group Contacts
George Piatsky БПАД181 Telegram vk
Anna Chuvilina Telegram
Gleb Kiselev Telegram
Rudakov Kirill Telegram


Number Contest Deadline
1 Contest 1 24.09.2018
2 Contest 2 1.10.2018
3 Contest 3 8.10.2018
4 Contest 4 15.10.2018
5 Contest 5 17.10.2018
6 Contest 6 21.10.2018
7 Contest 7 12.11.2018
8 Contest 8 20.11.2018
9 Contest 9 27.11.2018
10 Contest 10 4.12.2018
11 Contest 11 11.12.2018
12 Contest 12 19.12.2018 23:00
13 Contest 13 19.12.2018 23:00

Exam 1 module

Note: Each line should be commented out in English. A solution without comments will not be considered.

Final contest

Exam 2 module

Final contest




Lecture 1
Lecture 2
Lecture 3
Lecture 4
Lecture 5
Lecture 6
Lecture 7
Lecture 8
Lecture 9


ipython notebooks

БПАД-1 bonuses