Introduction to Economics DSBA 2023/24

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Версия от 07:59, 9 апреля 2024; Aichislova (обсуждение | вклад)

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General course info

Official web page


Final grade = 0.7 * Open book Tests + 0.3 * Quizzes

Rules of retake: On the first and second retake the cumulative course grade is taken into consideration. In case of receiving an unsatisfactory final grade after the first retake, the student may refuse to participate in the second retake and repeat the course according to the individual curricula. Cumulative grade is formed again as a result of repeated course. After the completion of the repeated course, the student is given a second retake only, from which the student has previously refused

Actual grades: here will be link

Lecturers and teaching assistants

Group 231 232 233 234 235
Lecturer & Teacher Векилян Армине Вагенаковна
Teaching assistants Даниил Потехин
Дарья Бизина

Course Materials

LMS: here will be link