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Версия от 11:14, 31 октября 2020; AlexHel (обсуждение | вклад)

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We have the conveyor with $10\le M \le 100$ stations for hand selection of products items to boxes.

Each box moves from the beginning to the end of conveyor throu the set of stations $Z=\{z_1, z_2 dots, z_M\}$.

Each station works with zone, including the set of positions $N_m$.

Each position is for one type of goods.

The $sku$ coluld be assignned with position only if position is empty.

The hand selection time for row is the functon of SKU, position number and quantity of items per row.

$$G(sku,qty, zone, position)$$

and is tabulated in our case.

The source data is the set of rows per day:


   \item sku - код  товара 
   \item qty - количество штук 
   \item zone - станция подбора
   \item position - номер ячейки подбора
   \item date - календарная дата 
   \item order - номер заказа 


Box moves with $v=0.6m/s$ from one section to another.

The distance between the stations is $a=8m$.

We should propose the input goods flow routing to zones and positions to minimize the time for daily hand selection.

For this time avetrage and dispersion should be estimated.

The model should be described in latex as an instruction and description.