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Строка 1: Строка 1:
* Nuke
* Reverse engineered Nuke extension
* https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Nuke
* @author Ozank Cx
* @TODO - implement usercontribs API if Wikia update to MW 1.23+
mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.util', 'mediawiki.api'], function() {
var ug = mw.config.get('wgUserGroups');
if (ug.indexOf('content-moderator') + ug.indexOf('sysop') + ug.indexOf('vstf') + ug.indexOf('staff') + ug.indexOf('helper') == -5) return;
var config = mw.config.get([
token = mw.user.tokens.values.editToken,
API = new mw.Api(),
deleteDelay = window.nukeDelay || 1000;
config.wgArticlePath = config.wgArticlePath.slice(0,-2);
var self = {
init: function() {
$('.header-column.header-title h1').text('Nuke');
document.title = "Nuke - " + config.wgSiteName;
mw.util.addCSS('.thumbnail-nuke { width: 120px; height: 77px; }');
if ($.getUrlVar('nukeuser')) {
var user = $.getUrlVar('nukeuser'),
deleteReason = window.nukeDeleteReason || "Mass removal of pages created by " + user.replace(/_/g,' ');
$('#mw-content-text p').html('<a href="' + config.wgArticlePath + 'Special:Blankpage?blankspecial=nuke">Switch to Nuke main form</a><br/>The following pages were created by <a href="' + config.wgArticlePath + 'Special:Contributions/' + user + '">' + user.replace(/_/g,' ') + '</a>; put in a comment and hit the button to delete them.<br/>Reason for deletion: <input style="width: 400px" type="text" id="nuke-delete-reason" value="' + deleteReason + '"/><br/><a class="wikia-button nuke-submit">Delete</a><div id="nuke-status"/><ul id="nuke-query-results"></ul><a class="wikia-button nuke-submit">Delete</a>');
$('#nuke-status').html('Getting pages... please wait <img src="' + config.stylepath + '/common/progress-wheel.gif"/>');
action: 'query',
list: 'usercontribs',
ucnamespace: $.getUrlVar('nukenamespace') || '',
ucuser: user,
uclimit: 5000,
cb: new Date().getTime()
.done(function(d) {
if (!d.error) {
var usercontribs = d.query.usercontribs,
maxLimit = $.getUrlVar('nukelimit') || 500,
count = 0,
images = [];
for (var i in usercontribs) {
if (count >= maxLimit) break;
if (usercontribs[i].hasOwnProperty('new')) {
var escapedTitle = encodeURIComponent(usercontribs[i].title);
if (!$.getUrlVar('nukematch') || new RegExp($.getUrlVar('nukematch')).test(usercontribs[i].title)) {
$('#nuke-query-results').append('<li class="nuke-query-result"><input type="checkbox" class="nuke-title-check" checked="checked"/> <a href="' + config.wgArticlePath + escapedTitle + '" target="_blank">' + usercontribs[i].title + '</a></li>');
if (usercontribs[i].title.slice(0,5) == "File:")
if (!$('.nuke-query-result').length)
self.outputError("No user contributions found");
else {
if (images.length > 0)
self.outputError("Failed to get user contributions: " + d.error.code);
.fail(function() {
self.outputError("Failed to get user contributions");
else {
$('#mw-content-text p').html('This tool allows for mass deletions of pages recently added by a given user or IP address.<br/>Input the username or IP address to get a list of pages to delete, or leave blank for all users.<br/>Username, IP address or blank: <input type="text" id="nuke-username"/><br/>Pattern for the page name: <input type="text" id="nuke-match"/><br/>Limit to namespace: <select id="nuke-namespace"><option value="All">All</option><option value="Main" ns="0">Main</option><option value="Project" ns="4">Project</option><option value="Project talk" ns="5">Project talk</option><option value="Talk" ns="1">Talk</option><option value="User" ns="2">User</option><option value="User talk" ns="3">User talk</option><option value="File" ns="6">File</option><option value="File talk" ns="7">File talk</option><option value="Template" ns="10">Template</option><option value="Template talk" ns="11">Template talk</option><option value="Help" ns="12">Help</option><option value="Help talk" ns="13">Help talk</option><option value="Category" ns="14">Category</option><option value="Category talk" ns="15">Category talk</option></select><br/>Maximum number of pages: <input type="text" id="nuke-max" value="500"/><br/><a class="wikia-button" id="nuke-rc">Go</a><br/><div id="nuke-status"/><div id="nuke-query-results"/>');
$('#nuke-rc').click(function() {
if ($(this).attr('disabled')) return;
if ($('#nuke-username').val()) {
var locationStr = config.wgArticlePath + 'Special:Blankpage?blankspecial=nuke&nukeuser=' + $('#nuke-username').val();
if ($('#nuke-namespace').val() != "All")
locationStr += '&nukenamespace=' + $('#nuke-namespace option:selected').attr('ns');
if ($.isNumeric($('#nuke-max').val()) && $('#nuke-max').val() > 0)
locationStr += '&nukelimit=' + $('#nuke-max').val();
if ($('#nuke-match').val())
locationStr += '&nukematch=' + $('#nuke-match').val();
if ($('.nuke-submit').length) {
$('#mw-content-text > p:nth-child(1) > br:nth-child(14)').remove();
$('#nuke-status').html('Getting pages... please wait <img src="' + config.stylepath + '/common/progress-wheel.gif"/>');
action: 'query',
list: 'recentchanges',
rcshow: '!bot',
rctype: 'new|log',
rclimit: 5000,
cb: new Date().getTime()
.done(function(d) {
if (!d.error) {
var recentchanges = d.query.recentchanges,
RCTitles = [],
maxLimit = $('#nuke-max').val() || 5000,
count = 0,
images = [];
for (var i in recentchanges) {
if (count >= maxLimit) break;
if ($.inArray(recentchanges[i].title,RCTitles) == -1 && (($('#nuke-namespace').val() == "Main" && recentchanges[i].title.split(':').length === 1) || $('#nuke-namespace').val() == "All" || $('#nuke-namespace').val() == "Project" && new RegExp(config.wgFormattedNamespaces[4] + ':').test(recentchanges[i].title) || $('#nuke-namespace').val() == "Project talk" && new RegExp(config.wgFormattedNamespaces[5] + ':').test(recentchanges[i].title) || new RegExp($('#nuke-namespace').val() + ':').test(recentchanges[i].title)) && (recentchanges[i].type == "new" || (recentchanges[i].type == "log" && recentchanges[i].ns == 6))) {
if (!$('#nuke-match').val() || new RegExp($('#nuke-match').val()).test(recentchanges[i].title)) {
var escapedTitle = encodeURIComponent(recentchanges[i].title);
$('#nuke-query-results').append('<li class="nuke-query-result"><input type="checkbox" class="nuke-title-check" checked="checked"/> <a href="' + config.wgArticlePath + escapedTitle + '" target="_blank"> ' + recentchanges[i].title + '</a></li>');
if (recentchanges[i].title.slice(0,5) == "File:")
if (!$('.nuke-query-result').length)
self.outputError("No recent changes found");
else {
$('#nuke-query-results').before('<br/><a class="wikia-button nuke-submit">Delete</a>').after('<a class="wikia-button nuke-submit">Delete</a>');
if (images.length > 0)
self.outputError("Failed to get recent changes: " + d.error.code);
.fail(function() {
self.outputError("Failed to get recent changes");
$('.nuke-submit').click(function() {
if (!$('.nuke-query-result').length || $(this).attr('disabled')) return;
$('#nuke-status').html('Deleting pages... please wait <img src="' + config.stylepath + '/common/progress-wheel.gif"/>');
$('.nuke-title-check:checked').each(function(i) {
var title = $(this).parent().find('a').text();
setTimeout(function() {
action: 'delete',
title: title,
reason: $('#nuke-delete-reason').val() || '',
bot: true,
token: token
.done(function(d) {
if (!d.error) {
console.log('Deletion of ' + title + ' successful!');
else {
console.log('Failed to delete ' + title + ': '+ d.error.code);
.fail(function() {
console.log('Failed to delete ' + title);
if (i === $('.nuke-title-check:checked').length - 1) {
setTimeout(function() {
location.replace(config.wgArticlePath + config.wgMainpage);
}, 1000);
}, i*deleteDelay);
outputError: function(text) {
switch (config.skin) {
case 'oasis':
case 'wikia':
new BannerNotification(text,'error').show();
displayImages: function(imgs) {
API.post({ //POST instead of GET for longer length
action: 'query',
prop: 'imageinfo',
titles: imgs.join('|'),
iiprop: 'url',
iilimit: 500
.done(function(d) {
if (!d.error) {
for (var i in d.query.pages) {
if (d.query.pages[i].missing != "") {
var href = config.wgArticlePath + encodeURIComponent(d.query.pages[i].title);
$('a[href="' + href + '"]').parent().children('.nuke-title-check').after('<a href="' + href + '"><img class="thumbnail-nuke" src="' + d.query.pages[i].imageinfo[0].url + '" /></a>');
self.outputError('Failed to display images: ' + d.error.code);
.fail(function() {
self.outputError('Failed to display images');
switch (mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName')) {
case "Contributions":
$('#contentSub a:last-child').after(' | <a title="Special:Nuke" href="' + mw.config.get('wgArticlePath').replace('$1','Special:Blankpage?blankspecial=nuke&nukeuser=' + mw.config.get('wgPageName').split('/')[1] ) + '">Nuke</a>');
case "Specialpages":
if (!$('a[title="Special:Nuke"]').length)
$('.mw-specialpagerestricted a[title="Special:Undelete"]').after('<li class="mw-specialpagerestricted"><a title="Special:Nuke" href="' + mw.config.get('wgArticlePath').replace('$1','Special:Blankpage?blankspecial=nuke') + '">Mass delete</a></li>');
$('.mw-specialpagerestricted a[title="Special:Nuke"]').after('<li class="mw-specialpagerestricted"><a title="Special:Nuke" href="' + mw.config.get('wgArticlePath').replace('$1','Special:Blankpage?blankspecial=nuke') + '">Mass delete (JavaScript)</a></li>');
case "Blankpage":
if ($.getUrlVar('blankspecial') == "nuke")

Текущая версия на 13:08, 26 августа 2022