Python Programming DSBA 2023/24 / Midterm

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Версия от 16:11, 24 октября 2023; Aspronina (обсуждение | вклад)

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Your midterm will be conducted on Monday, October 23, at 18:10 in the offline format.

There will be several rooms: R401 for the majority of you and R611, R612 and R613 with campus computers and sockets for those, who do not have personal laptops or whose laptops consume too much energy to manage OBS + contest + IDE without recharging. If you understand that you are facing one of these problems, please write directly to assistant Anna in Telegram in order to be allocated in а computer class.

Invited in R611 Invited in R612 Invited in R613
  1. Алов
  2. Антропова
  3. Бессонов
  4. Буш
  5. Гавриков
  6. Купцов
  7. Лукьянов
  8. Миняйцев
  9. Никитина
  10. Павлухин
  11. Патрушев
  12. Попов Павел
  13. Родиков
  14. Сайко
  15. Сардак
  16. Титов
  17. Трунина
  18. Хорошенков
  19. Худяков
  20. Шуб
  1. Авдеев
  2. Вдовикин
  3. Вердиев
  4. Веревкин
  5. Воробьев Михаил
  6. Гайнуллина
  7. Горбуля
  8. Житников
  9. Ибрагимова
  10. Картон
  11. Лисенкова
  12. Люманов
  13. Макогонова
  14. Маркин
  15. Павлов Аркадий
  16. Покровский
  17. Романова
  18. Сушко
  19. Уваров
  20. Хамидуллин
  1. Аюпова
  2. Безруков
  3. Братухин
  4. Гергоков
  5. Гурбанов
  6. Гурьева
  7. Дружинин
  8. Дубенский
  9. Карапетян
  10. Кузахметов
  11. Мамакина
  12. Маматказина
  13. Попов Игорь
  14. Тен
  15. Хван
  16. Чадыров

If you asked for a socket, but did not find yourself in the lists above, do not worry. We will provide you with one in R401.

Important note: follow this link to install OBS. If something goes wrong, do not hesitate to ask your assistants for help.

You will have to solve several problems in 120 minutes. The points earned on the test are part of Ongoing Assessment.


  1. Please do not forget to bring your ID (students' ID certificates, HSE campus pass-cards or passports will be accepted)
  2. During the test you are allowed to use only the materials found by the links available at our course wiki page, installed (not online) IDE and documentation at and If we notice you opening any external windows, your work will get a 0 mark automatically.
  3. Pay attention that you are not allowed to use:
    1. Translators
    2. Online interpreters
    3. stackoverflow, math.stackexchange, quorа, geeksforgeeks and similar resources
    4. Artificial intelligence
  4. Be prepared that you will not be able to leave the room until the end of the work.
  5. You will have to record your screen using the OBS system:
    1. You are supposed to record your screen and microphone. Web-camera recording is not obligatory.
    2. Start the recording 5 minutes before the beginning of the contest.
    3. Right after starting the recording, you record all your running processes at the start of the video (open task manager and scroll through it).
    4. At the end of the contest, within 30 minutes, you must place the recordings on Yandex/Google disk, dropbox or YouTube, and fill the form, indicating the link to the recording file (just a file, not a folder) in it. In case of technical problems with video uploading or with meeting the uploading deadline (30 minutes), write to assistant Anna in Telegram.
    5. Please, do not delete the video until a member of the teaching team checks the recording (you will get notification about it). Please, note that this checking will be applied to every student without exceptions.
  6. Communication in any form is strictly prohibited including:
    1. Verbal communication
    2. Messengers
    3. Code collaboration tools (e.g. Collab)

link template:

PS: you may consider this set of tasks as some examples of what you may be given during your control work.

We wish you the best of luck with your assignment!