Into to DataMining and Machine Learning 2020 2021
Lecturer: Dmitry Ignatov
TA: Stefan Nikolić
- Homework 1: Spectral Clustering
- Homework 2:
- Homework 3: Recommender Systems
Lecture on 16 January 2021
Intro slides. Course plan. Assessment criteria. ML&DM libraries. What to read and watch?
Practice: demonstration with Orange.
Lecture on 26 January 2021
Classification (continued). Quality metrics. ROC curves.
Practice: demonstration with Orange.
Lecture on 2 February 2021
Introduction to Clustering. Taxonomy of clustering methods. K-means. K-medoids. Fuzzy C-means. Types of distance metrics. Hierarchical clustering. DBScan
Practice: DBScan Demo.
Lecture on 09 February 2021
- Introduction to Clustering (continued). Density-based techniques. DBScan and Mean-shift.
- Graph and spectral clustering. Min-cuts and normalized cuts. Laplacian matrix. Fiedler vector. Applications.
Practice on 16 Feb 2021
Clustering with scikit-learn (k-means, hierarchical clustering, DBScan, MeanShift, Spectral Clustering).
Lecture on 9 March 2021
Frequent Itemsets. Association Rules. Algorithms: Apriori, FP-growth. Interestingness measures. Closed and maximal itemsets.
Practice on 16 March 2021
Frequent Itemset Mining (continued). Applications: 1) Taxonomies of Website Visitors and 2) Web advertising.
Exercises. Frequent Itemsets. FP-growth. Closed itemsets.
Practice. Orange, SPMF, Concept Explorer.