LAaG DSBA 2019/2020
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Версия от 19:37, 5 сентября 2019; Mazhuga.A.M. (обсуждение | вклад)
Teachers and assistants
Группа | 181 (P) | 182 | 183 |
Lecturer | Mazhuga Andrey | ||
Teacher | Mazhuga Andrey | Nikita Medved | |
Ассистент | Рамазян Тигран |
Нефедова Мария |
Таранцова Полина |
Grading system
During the academic year, the student will be formally graded on the following:
- two in-class oral tests (O1 and O2);
- two in-class written tests (W1 and W2);
- several quizzes (Q1 and Q2, where Qi is the average grade of all the quizzes in the i-th semester);
- several homework assignments (H1 and H2, where Hi is the average grade of all the homework assignments in the i-th semester);
- two written exams (E1 and E2).
All grades (namely, O1, O2, W1, W2, Q1, Q2, H1, H2, E1, and E2) are real numbers from 0 to 10.
The cumulative grade is computed as follows:
C = 0,6 * H + 0,4 * T,
where H is the grade for the home assignments and T is the written test grade.
The final course grade is given by
F = 0,5 * C + 0,5 * E
where E is the final exam grade.
Grades in all formulas are rounded according to the standard rule.
Ячейка | Ячейка | Ячейка | Ячейка | |||
Ячейка | Ячейка | Ячейка | Ячейка | Ячейка | ||
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Ячейка | Ячейка | Ячейка | Ячейка | Ячейка | Ячейка | |
Ячейка | Ячейка | Ячейка | Ячейка | Ячейка | Ячейка | Ячейка |
Ячейка | Ячейка | Ячейка | Ячейка | Ячейка | Ячейка | Ячейка |
<math>2\sin x + 4\ln y + 8\operatorname{tg} z</math>