Lecture 2. Tokenization and word counts

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How many words?

"The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain." 9 tokens: The, rain, in, Spain, stays, mainly, in, the, plain 7 (or 8) types: T = the rain, in, Spain, stays, mainly, plain

Type and token

Type is an element of the vocabulary.

Token is an instance of that type in the text.

N = number of tokens;

V - vocabulary (i.e. all types);

|V| = size of vocabulary (i.e. number of types).

How are N and |V| related?

Zipf's law

Zipf's law ([Gelbukh, Sidorov, 2001])

In any large enough text, the frequency ranks (starting from the highest) of types are inversely proportional to the corresponding frequencies:

f = 1/r

f — frequency of a type;

r — rank of a type (its position in the list of all types in order of their frequency of occurrence).

Heaps' law

Heaps' law ([Gelbukh, Sidorov, 2001])

The number of different types in a text is roughly proportional to an exponent of its size: <math> |V| = K * N^b </math>

N = number of tokens;

|V| = size of vocabulary (i.e. number of types);

K, b — free parameters, <math> K ∈ [10; 100]; b ∈ [0.4; 0.6] </math>

Why tokenization is difficult?

  • Easy example: "Good muffins cost $3.88 in New York. Please buy me two of them. Thanks."
    • is \." a token?
    • is $3.88 a single token?
    • is \New York" a single token?
  • Real data may contain noise in it: code, markup, URLs, faulty punctuation
  • Real data contains misspellings: "an dthen she aksed"
  • Period "." does not always mean the end of sentence: m.p.h., PhD.

Nevertheless tokenization is important for all other text processing steps. There are rule-based and machine learning-based approaches to development of tokenizers.

Rule-based tokenization

For example, define a token as a sequence of upper and lower case letters: A-Za-z. Reqular expression is a nice tool for programming such rules.

RE in Python

In[1]: import re

In[2]: prog = re.compile('[A-Za-z]+')

In[3]: prog.findall("Words, words, words.")

Out[1]: ['Words', 'words', 'words']

Sentence segmentation

What are the sentence boundaries?

  •  ?, ! are usually unambiguous
  • Period "." is an issue
  • Direct speech is also an issue: She said, "What time will you be home?" and I said, "I don't know!". Even worse in Russian!

Let us learn a classifier for sentence segmentation.

Binary classifier

A binary classifier <math> f : X ⇒ 0; 1 </math> takes input data X (a set of sentences) and decides EndOfSentence (0) or NotEndOfSentence (1).

Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK)

Learning to tokenize

Exercise 1.1 Word counts

Lemmatization (Normalization)


Exercise 1.2 Word counts (continued)

Exercise 1.3 Do we need all words?