Lecture 2. Tokenization and word counts

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How many words?

"The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain." 9 tokens: The, rain, in, Spain, stays, mainly, in, the, plain 7 (or 8) types: T = the rain, in, Spain, stays, mainly, plain

Type and token

Type is an element of the vocabulary.

Token is an instance of that type in the text.

N = number of tokens;

V - vocabulary (i.e. all types);

|V| = size of vocabulary (i.e. number of types).

How are N and |V| related?

Zipf's law

Heaps' law

Why tokenization is difficult?

Rule-based tokenization

Sentence segmentation

Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK)

Learning to tokenize

Exercise 1.1 Word counts

Lemmatization (Normalization)


Exercise 1.2 Word counts (continued)

Exercise 1.3 Do we need all words?