Discrete Mathematics DSBA 2024/2025

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The lecturer

My name is Evgeny Dashkov. Feel free to contact me via email: edashkov@gmail.com, Telegram, or VK.

My Assistant (the person responsible for the tables etc.): Elizaveta Levshina.

Seminar instructors

Group 241 242 243 244 245 246
Teachers Evgeny Dashkov Boris Danilov Diego Buitrago
Teaching Assistants [] [] [] [] []

Current performance

[The Table].


The homework includes a few problem sets, one in a fortnight or so (the deadlines are announced on giving each set). Every problem set consists of about 10 – 15 problems, some of which are labeled as ‘bonus’ while all the remaining are considered ‘ordinary’. These sets may be subdivided further for students’ convenience.

A student may be required to 'defend' (i.e., to explain orally) his written solution to any problem. His grade for the problem may be decreased if he fails to do so properly.

Exam 1

A written examination is held past Module 1. Students may not consult any sources during the exam. The examination takes about 120 minutes. Some problems of the exam are labeled as ‘bonus’; the others are ‘ordinary’.


An oral colloquium is held at the beginning of Module 3. Each student is given two questions concerning statements and definitions as well as one question requiring a proof. After no less than 45 minutes of preparation (when using any literature is allowed), the student is required to answer ‘from scratch’, that is, with no recourse to any materials. The examiner may pose additional questions as he sees fit. The student may get from 0 to 10 integer points for his answer; the value Colloq is just this score.

Please find the question list and rules here.

Exam 2

A written examination is held at the end of the Course. Students may not consult any sources during the exam. The examination takes about 120 minutes. Some problems of the exam are labeled as ‘bonus’; the others are ‘ordinary’. Each problem solution is graded with either 0, ¼, ½, ¾, or 1 point; finally, two values are computed:

Exam2 = (the sum of points given for ordinary problems) / #(ordinary problems);

Exam2* = (the sum of points given for bonus problems) / #(bonus problems).

Bonus activities

The students may be graded for a variety of ‘bonus activities’ (like quizzes, etc.) with an overall integer value Bonus from 0 to 25.

Exam retaking

Examinations 1 and 2 are subject to be retaken if Module 1 grade or Final grade (see below), respectively, is unsatisfactory. Retaking the exam is similar to the regular examination. The resulting grade is substituted for that of the latter. The last try Commission retaking is held for those whose final grade is still unsatisfactory after the retaking. A designated Commission carefully examines the student’s performance and gives him a final mark not better than ‘satisfactory’; at that the Commission is not bound by the grading formulas herein.

Course materials

Course chat. This is our primary outlet for course announcements, questions, and discussions. Please join it!

Lecture notes

Original English version

A Russian translation by volunteering students (you are welcome to join their ranks)

Classes recordings

Lecture video archive

Other resources

Problem sets

Class problems

Assignment deadlines

Each deadline is set by the respective group's instructor.

Assessment and Grading

The homework is graded in two batches: one (HW_A) includes everything to be submitted in Module1 and the other (HW_B) includes all the rest. For each problem, either ordinary or bonus, the student is given a score from 0 to 1 point (in fractional values) according to the progress he made.

Grade HW_A is computed the following way (before rounding):

HW_A = 8 * ord + 2 * adv, where

ord = (the sum of points given for ordinary problems) / #(ordinary problems);

adv = (the sum of points given for bonus problems) / #(bonus problems).

Grade HW_B is computed similarly but for its respective period of Modules 2 and 3.

Recommended reading

Please notice that The Book for our Course does not exist. The latter is based on many sources.

  1. Anderson J. A., Discrete Mathematics With Combinatorics. Prentice Hall, 2003.
  2. Biggs N. L., Discrete mathematics. 2nd ed., New York; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004.
  3. Gavrilov G. P., Sapozhenko A. A. Problems and Exercises in Discrete Mathematics. Kluwer Texts in the Mathematical Sciences 14. Springer, 1996.
  4. Lehman E., Thomson Leighton F., Meyer A. R. Mathematics for Computer Science, 2017.
  5. Lovasz L., Vesztergombi K. Discrete Mathematics. Lecture Notes; Yale University, 1999.
  6. Melnikov O., Sarvanov V., Tyshkevich R., Yemelichev V., Zverovich I. Exercises in Graph Theory. Kluwer Texts in the Mathematical Sciences 19. Springer, 1998.
  7. Rosen K. H. Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications. McGraw-Hill, 1999.
  8. Stein C., Drysdale R. L., Bogart K. Discrete mathematics for computer scientists. Addison-Wesley, 2010.
  9. Vinogradov I. M. Elements of number theory. Dover, 1954.

In Russian

If you understand Russian (by any chance), you will probably benefit from reading the following books.

  1. Виноградов И. М. Основы теории чисел. 9-е изд., М.: Наука, 1981.
  2. Вялый М., Подольский В., Рубцов А., Шварц Д., Шень А. Лекции по дискретной математике.
  3. Гаврилов Г. П., Сапоженко А. А. Задачи и упражнения по дискретной математике. 3-е изд., М.: ФИЗМАТЛИТ, 2004.
  4. Дашков Е. В. Введение в математическую логику. Множества и отношения. М.: МФТИ, 2019.
  5. Зубков А. М., Севастьянов Б. А., Чистяков В. П. Сборник задач по теории вероятностей. 2-е изд., М.: Наука, 1989.
  6. Мельников О. И. Теория графов в занимательных задачах. 5-е изд., М.: Книжный дом "ЛИБРОКОМ", 2013.
  7. Шень А., Математическая индукция. 5-е изд, М.: МЦНМО, 2016.