Data Science Case Studies (JD SAS) 21/22 — различия между версиями

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The result of each project should be a presentation of the results of the project for 10-15 minutes.
The result of each project should be a presentation of the results of the project for 10-15 minutes.
The defense of the project for ПАД and МИЭФ will be in mid-May (May 17-22), as well as for everyone who is ready to defend themselves.
The defense of the project for ПАД (DSBA) and МИЭФ (ICEF) will be in mid-May (May 17-22), as well as for everyone who is ready to defend themselves.
The final defense for ПМИ, ФЭН will take place in mid-June (June 15-19) before the start of the session.
The final defense for ПМИ (Applied Mathematics and Information Science), ФЭН (Economics) will take place in mid-June (June 15-19) before the start of the session.
The assessment for the project in the second module is set on a 10-point scale based on the results of the defense of the project.
The assessment for the project in the second module is set on a 10-point scale based on the results of the defense of the project.

Версия 20:07, 2 февраля 2022


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Общая ссылка для всех лекций и семинаров:

Идентификатор конференции: 992 2034 9786
Код доступа: 476860

9:30 - Семинар на русском - ФЭН 3 курс (совместно с БК ГК "Открытие")
11:10 - Семинар на русском - ФЭН 4 курс (совместно с БК ГК "Открытие")
13:00 - Лекция на английском (запись) - ПАД и МИЭФ
14:40 - Лекция на русском (запись) - ПМИ, ФЭН, МК
16:20 - Семинар на русском (запись) - ПМИ и МК
18:10 - Семинар на английском (запись) - ПАД1 и МИЭФ
19:40 - Семинар на английском - ПАД2

При посещении лекции и семинара в Zoom просим студентов сделать Rename и подписаться в формате «Префикс_Фамилия Имя», указав один из префиксов (МИЭФ, МК, ПАД, ПМИ, ФЭН). Например, «БИ_Иванов Алексей»

О курсе

Данная страничка содержит ссылки на материалы по курсу в 2021/2022 учебном году на потоке образовательных программ :

Образовательная программа Курс Факультет Ссылка на страницу курса АДвБ
Прикладная Математика и Информатика 3 курс Факультета Компьютерных Наук НИУ ВШЭ Анализ данных в бизнесе
Прикладной анализ данных 3 курс Факультета Компьютерных Наук НИУ ВШЭ Анализ данных в бизнесе
Экономика 3 курс Факультета Экономических Наук НИУ ВШЭ Анализ данных в бизнесе
Экономика 4 курс Факультета Экономических Наук НИУ ВШЭ Анализ данных в бизнесе
Экономика и статистика 3 курс Факультета Экономических Наук НИУ ВШЭ Анализ данных в бизнесе
Экономика и статистика 4 курс Факультета Экономических Наук НИУ ВШЭ Анализ данных в бизнесе
Программа двух дипломов по экономике НИУ ВШЭ
и Лондонского университета
3 курс Международный институт экономики и финансов НИУ ВШЭ нет

дополнительные ссылки:

Программа курса

Первый модуль будет читаться для 3 и 4 курса - обзор разделов:

  • Клиентская аналитика;
  • Текстовая аналитика;
  • Задачи анализа данных в розничных сетях продаж товаров;
  • Основы оценки рисков;
  • ModelOps.

Первый модуль сможет погрузить студентов в актуальные задачи в бизнесе, а также в особенности анализа данных и построения аналитических моделей по каждому разделу модуля. В этом модуле студентов познакомят с программным обеспечением SAS.

Второй модуль – командный проект только для 3 курса.

Студенты будут разделены на группы по 2-7 человек и каждой группе будет дана практическая задача. Данный модуль позволит получить студентам практический опыт в анализе данных, разработке и в построении аналитических моделей на реальных данных.

Studying and using SAS software in «Data Analytics in Business» course

To perform practical tasks, a student is free of choice to pick any of the given software tools: SAS, R, Python.

Students who plan to perform practical tasks on SAS platform, may take advanced online courses for free.

To access the course, you must contact the course instructor - Natalia Titova via Telegram.

Links to access the software SAS -

If a student has completed all the practical tasks on the SAS and passed the course with excellence, then he will receive:

  • academic SAS program completion certificate
  • Acclaim electronic badge confirming completion of the course and a list of technologies used by SAS

All interested students can take basic SAS online courses for free:

Students who are willing to spend extra time learning to program in SAS can try to take a professional certification within the SCYP program for free (SAS® Software Certified Young Professionals) link to the course.


ПАД и МИЭФ - 13:00 - 14:30;
ПМИ, Экономика, Экономика и статистика, МК - 14:40 - 16:10

ссылка на подключение к лекции -
Идентификатор конференции: 992 2034 9786
Код доступа: 476860
Название раздела Тема Дата для 3 и 4 курса Презентация Запись
Клиентская аналитика Введение в клиентскую и онлайн аналитику 15.01.2022 Лекция №1 - рус
Клиентская аналитика Построение прогнозных моделей и визуализация данных 22.01.2022
Текстовая аналитика Введение в задачи анализа текстовых данных 29.01.2022
Текстовая аналитика Инструменты и методы текстовой аналитики 05.02.2022
Задачи анализа данных в розничных сетях продаж товаров Введение в задачи анализа данных в ритейле. Прогнозирование спроса 12.02.2022
Задачи анализа данных в розничных сетях продаж товаров Описательная аналитика в Ритейл: кластеризация магазинов, сегментация товаров, восстановление спроса 19.02.2022
Задачи анализа данных в розничных сетях продаж товаров Задачи оптимизации запасов товаров в ритейл-сети, оптимизация цен, оптимизация ассортимента 26.02.2022
Основы оценки рисков Введение в кредитные риски 5.03.2022
Основы оценки рисков Введение в рыночные риски 12.03.2022
Основы оценки рисков Валидация моделей 19.03.2022
ModelOps Операционализация моделей машинного обучения 26.03.2022



Группа ФЭН 3 курс - 9:30,
Группы ФЭН 4 курс - 11:10,
Группа ПМИ+МК - 16:20,
Группа ПАД 1 и МИЭФ - 18:10,
Группа ПАД 2 - 19:40

ссылка на подключение к семинару -
Идентификатор конференции: 992 2034 9786
Код доступа: 476860

ссылка на доп.материалы - к семинарским занятиям

Название раздела Тема Дата для ПМИ, ПАД, МИЭФ и МК Дата для ФЭН Презентация Запись
Клиентская аналитика Введение в клиентскую и онлайн аналитику 15.01.2022 22.01.2022 Семинар №1 - рус
Клиентская аналитика Построение прогнозных моделей и визуализация данных 22.01.2022 29.01.2022
Текстовая аналитика Введение в задачи анализа текстовых данных 29.01.2022 05.02.2022
Текстовая аналитика Инструменты и методы текстовой аналитики 05.02.2022 12.02.2022
Задачи анализа данных в розничных сетях продаж товаров Введение в задачи анализа данных в ритейле. Прогнозирование спроса 12.02.2022 19.02.2022
Задачи анализа данных в розничных сетях продаж товаров Описательная аналитика в Ритейл: кластеризация магазинов, сегментация товаров, восстановление спроса 19.02.2022 26.02.2022
Задачи анализа данных в розничных сетях продаж товаров Задачи оптимизации запасов товаров в ритейл-сети, оптимизация цен, оптимизация ассортимента 26.02.2022 5.03.2022
Основы оценки рисков Введение в кредитные риски 5.03.2022 12.03.2022
Основы оценки рисков Введение в рыночные риски 12.03.2022 19.03.2022
Основы оценки рисков Валидация моделей 19.03.2022 26.03.2022
ModelOps Операционализация моделей машинного обучения 26.03.2022 2.04.2022

Course report and grade evaluation

The course includes several forms of knowledge control:

  • 3 practical homework assignments
  • Written exam, questions in the form of a test with multiple choice
  • Team project (only for 3rd-year students)

Criteria for assessing knowledge, skills

  • All homework assignments are graded on a 2-point scale, where «2» — task is fully completed, «1» — the task is not completely solved or with slight mistakes, «0» — task is not solved or solved incorrectly.

In case if the homework is divided into several parts, then each part is evaluated on a 2-point scale as described above, and then the marks are averaged with equal weights without rounding.

The transfer of grades for homework from a 2-point scale to a 10-point scale is done by means of multiplying the grade by 5 without any rounding.

  • The grade for the exam is set on a 10-point scale.
  • The grade for the team project is also set on a 10-point scale.

The order of the formation of grades for the discipline

Let's denote the grades for 3 homework assignments on a 10-point scale — O_1,O_2,O_3, and the grade for the exam at the end of the 1st module on a 10-point scale — O_ex.

The final grade for 4th-year students O_final is evaluated by the following formula

O_final = 0.225 * O_1 + 0.225 * O_2 + 0.225 * O_3 + 0.325 * O_ex

The final grade for 3rd-year students in the 1st module O_mod is evaluated by the following formula

O_mod = 0.1 * O_1 + 0.1 * O_2 + 0.1 * O_3 + 0.2 * O_ex

The grade for the project in the 2nd module O_prj is set on a 10-point scale by means of the project defense.

The final grade O_final is defined by the formula O_final = O_mod + 0.5 * O_prj

Rounding occurs only at the very end - in the final grade, i.e. arithmetic rounding.

Each task and exam is evaluated on a 10-point scale (fractional marks are allowed for tasks). For some tasks, it will be possible to receive bonus points, which will be announced when the task is issued.

Home assignments

Home assignment #1

The home task #1 consists of 2 parts:

1. Data research and data processing for subsequent segmentation;

2. Making customer profiles based on segmentations (use at least 2 segmentation methods).

An example of a detailed description of Home assignment №1 2020-2021 with examples and results read in the attached file

Each student chooses the version that is indicated opposite his name in the list link

Versions and data description are presented in the folder at the link

In order to receive an assessment, you need:

1. Send an archive with files where all calculations were made and a cover letter with conclusions and comments on each part:

  • Calculations can be done using code (python/sas/sql), pivot tables and formulas in excel or SAS Viya project;
  • All conclusions must be supported by visually interpretable graphs and data.

2. The archive (.zip) with the files must be sent to with the email subject “ФКН ВШЭ”

3. The file name must be sent according to the template <First Name>_<Last name>_<group number>

For example, Alexander_Sharipov_156_hw1

Grade for Home assignment #1 is given on a 10-point scale, where:

"8-10" - the task is completely solved, all 2 parts of homework are completed:

  • data analysis was carried out, a code is working, and tables for data research were provided;
  • constructed segmentation by 2 methods;
  • provided clear conclusions with confirmed data (tables, graphs);

"6-7" - the task is solved incompletely or with shortcomings:

  • data analysis was carried out, a working code and tables for data research were provided;
  • built segmentation using at least one method;
  • provided clear conclusions with confirmed data (tables, graphs);

"4-5" - the task was solved with significant shortcomings,

  • data analysis was carried out, a working code and tables for data research were provided;
  • revealed top-level dependencies and patterns for customers without building a segmentation model;

"0-3" - the task is not solved or solved incorrectly.

Deadline – 2 weeks (February 19, 2022 23:59).

Home assignment #2

Description of Home assignment #2 is in the file link

Deadline - March 12, 2022 23:59. Solutions should be sent to

The subject of the letter must contain the following: HSE + Course number + version_number + full name.

The file name must include:

  • Course number
  • Version number
  • Full name

Example: "ПМИ_3курс_Вариант_8_IvanovIvanIvanovich"

Home assignment #3

It is necessary to build a scoring model that assesses the probability of a client default at the stage of making a loan application. To do this you need:

0. Download data from the link

Each student selects 2 data samples "accept" and "reject", which start with the student's HW version. Version numbers for HW #3 must be taken the same as for HW #1.

The completed task must be sent in the following form:

1) File/scripts with built models (there must be comments, without comments the task is considered as unresolved)

2) Excel file with answers to the following questions:

1. What is the proportion of 1 in the "accept" sample?

2. It is necessary to calculate the following for all interval variables:

- Proportion of missing values
- Median
- Mean
- Standard deviation
- Are there any abnormal values, outliers?
- Information Value

3. It is necessary to calculate for all categorical variables the following:

- Mode
- Proportion of missing values
- Information Value
- Are there outliers, abnormal values?

4. Build logistic regression only on approved applications with transformed WoE variables. What is the meaning of GINI? F1 measure?

5. Conduct a Reject Inference analysis. What is the percentage of rejected applications?

6. Build a logistic regression on all applications with transformed WoE variables. What GINI, F1 mean? Has the model changed?

7. What model would you recommend for implementation in a productive environment? Give a detailed explanation

Assessment for HW #3 is set on a 2-point scale, where "2" - the task is solved completely, "1" - the task is not completely solved or with shortcomings, "0" - the task is not solved or solved incorrectly. The transfer of grades for homework from a 2-point scale to a 10-point scale is carried out by multiplying the grade by 5 without rounding.

For HW #3, marks will be given: "2" - the model is correctly built on both the accept and reject samples. Correct answers given. "1.6" - the model is correctly built both on the accept sample and on the reject sample. 50% of answers are correct. "1.4" - the model is correctly built both on the accept sample and on the reject sample. Wrong answers are given. "1" are given - the model is built only on the accept sample. "0.8" - the task is not completely solved. 50% of answers are correct. "0" - the task is not solved or solved incorrectly.

Deadline - until 26.03.2022 inclusive

Decisions should be sent to The subject of the letter must contain the following: HSE + Course number + version_number + full name.

The file name must include:

  • Course number
  • Version number
  • Full name

Example: "ПМИ_3курс_Вариант_8_IvanovIvanIvanovich"

If the works will repeat each other, both works will be considered unresolved.

Team project for 3rd course

Choosing a topic for a team project on the course "Data Science Case Studies (JD SAS)"

Students are divided into groups of 3 people. In the future, 2-3 groups can be combined into one. Within the group, the team captain must be determined - the responsible person of the group.

The responsible person is responsible for the performance and result of the following main functions:

  • sending an application for a project topic and agreeing on a project topic on behalf of the whole group with professors;
  • providing information to the curator about the current status of the project: accounting, distribution and control of the implementation of the project task;
  • sending reports, presentations, technical documentation on the work performed by the group in electronic form.

Project topic descriptions: link to file

Link to the application form on the topic: link to file

Topic selection deadlines:

Until April 17, the group must select two topics from the specified list, indicating the first and second priority for these topics.

April 18 - each group that has applied for the project, through the specified form, will be assigned a project topic and curator. While assigning topics, the priorities indicated by the students will be taken into account, as well as the average score of students in the group for the first module of the course. No more than 3 groups of students are assigned to one topic.

If you have any questions, write to Natalia Titova on Telegram.

The result of each project should be a presentation of the results of the project for 10-15 minutes.

The defense of the project for ПАД (DSBA) and МИЭФ (ICEF) will be in mid-May (May 17-22), as well as for everyone who is ready to defend themselves.

The final defense for ПМИ (Applied Mathematics and Information Science), ФЭН (Economics) will take place in mid-June (June 15-19) before the start of the session.

The assessment for the project in the second module is set on a 10-point scale based on the results of the defense of the project.

Those students who did not find a group for themselves also apply for a topic, but for themselves alone. We ourselves will connect with a group on a similar topic.

Dates for the defense of educational projects in module 4:

Project defenses will be held from 17 to 19 June 2021.

In the file you will find a link to the list of project groups with reference to the date and time of project defense, as well as links to defenses.

Командные проекты - Team projects - dates for defenses by groups and links to join.

How to ask a question about the course

Questions about the course can be asked in the telegram chat of the course, the course professor Natalia Titova @Natalitics or the manager of the SAS department Tatiana Lobok @tatianalobok (

Telegram channel for announcements:

Chat in telegram for discussions:

All announcements and course materials will be posted in the telegram chat and in the telegram channel! There are professors in the chat, but not always. For all important questions, you should write to Natalia Titova in the telegram chat @Natalitics or mail Be sure to add the tag [ПМИ ФКН ВШЭ/ПАД ФКН ВШЭ/МИЭФ ФКН ВШЭ/Эк ФЭН ВШЭ/ЭкСт ФЭН ВШЭ] to the title of the letter, and also indicate your last name and first name.

All files provided are intended for use by students during their studies and are updated throughout the year. If you find any typos, inaccuracies, malfunctions of the page, please send email

Материалы по курсу

Документы и программа курса Внимание: файлы обновляются!

  • Рабочая программа дисциплины для 3 и 4 курса можно найти по следующей ссылке.

Рекомендуемая литература и полезные дополнительные материалы

Полезные материалы

Полезная литература

К разделу 1:

К разделу 2:

  • Шапиро Дж (2006). Моделирование цепи поставок. Питер. Серия «Теория менеджмента».
  • Tijms H.C., Groenevelt H. (1984). Simple approximations for the reorder point in periodic and continuous review (s, S) inventory systems with service level constraints. European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 17, Issue 2, August 1984, Pages 175-190.]

К разделу 3:

  • Christoffersen P. (2012) Elements of Financial Risk Management. 2nd ed. Elseiver Academic Press.

К разделу 4:

  • Мортон С. (2016) Лаборатория презентаций. Формула идеального выступления. Альпина Паблишер.


Титова Наталия Николаевна - старший преподаватель

Лобок Татьяна Сергеевна - менеджер базовой кафедры SAS